26 July, 2007

How to brake a PS3

This is a post on Blue-Ray.com title Stupid Friend

"Yes, my friends ps3 broke.

He came round mine explaining that his PS3 just died for no reason.
I asked him if he used any buggerd games, dvds, or blu-ray. He said no. I asked him if he dropped it etc. No, no no.

So I went round his to have a look. He had put black duct tape over the air vents. All of them.

I said 'why have you put duct tape over the vents?'

He replys with this:

'I am really cautious about my ps3. I really look after it. I don't want dust getting inside it so I covered up the holes to stop dust from getting in.'

I was in tears.

My friend has got a phone call from some Sony branch. Apparently he will be getting a new PS3. They explained that the system had overheated (Duh?) and that he should take care of where he puts his ps3. They suggested a well ventilated area LMAO! Anyway, they said the system should have shut down automatically but it didn't. And the reason they are giving him a new one is because they don't have any refurbished systems in there branch LMAO!! Guess they havent experienced a broken PS3 b4 lol.

Wow, as so many people are reading this. you should check out www.youtube.com/lduk"


freakalad said...

At teast the PS3 has not had a major recall due to it fucking up disks!
I LOVE my PS3 & the Ubuntu it rode in on

freakalad said...